How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Your Teeth?

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Your Teeth?


The Invisalign® system is a practical, comfortable, and discreet treatment for correcting minor to moderate orthodontic issues. Treatment takes approximately six to 18 months to complete. The length of Invisalign treatment depends on the complexity …

3 Signs You Need a Root Canal

3 Signs You Need a Root Canal


A root canal is a routine, pain-relieving procedure that treats teeth with inflamed or infected pulp. While dentists sometimes see evidence that a root canal is needed during routine X-rays, patients commonly report painful and …

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Boost Your Self-Confidence

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Boost Your Self-Confidence

TeamCosmetic Dentistry

Many of our patients feel uncomfortable with their teeth. Discolored, chipped, or missing teeth can cause people to feel self-conscious and keep them from sharing their smiles with the world. Cosmetic dentistry techniques can significantly …

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

TeamRoot Canal

A root canal is a useful dental procedure that relieves discomfort, treats infection, and preserves natural teeth from extraction. While root canals sometimes need to be repeated in case of a recurring infection, a tooth …

How Does a Periodontist

How Does a Periodontist Fix Receding Gums?

TeamOral Surgery, Periodontics

Receding gums are a major symptom of periodontal disease. Gums can also naturally recede as a patient ages or when patients brush their teeth too aggressively. Receding gums can lead to root exposure, infection, and …

What Does a Prosthodontist

What Does a Prosthodontist Do?

TeamDental Crowns

Prosthodontics is the art and science of replacing damaged or missing teeth. Prosthodontists create crowns, bridges, dentures, and dental implants to help complete a patient’s smile. The Importance of Replacing Teeth Many patients believe replacing …

Can Dental Implants Be Done In One Day?

Can Dental Implants Be Done In One Day?

TeamDental Implants

Dental implants are today’s most advanced tooth replacement option. Implants provide a durable solution that feels and looks natural. Most dental implant surgeries can be performed in one day. If you need a bone graft …

Do I Need Braces? What To Expect From Your Orthodontic Visit

Do I Need Braces? What To Expect From Your Orthodontic Visit


Dental braces are customizable and highly effective orthodontic appliances. If you or your child have misaligned teeth or dental bite issues, you may want to know whether braces would be an appropriate next step. An …

How Does Sedation

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

TeamSedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps anxious patients feel relaxed during dental procedures. It is a safe process that helps even the most apprehensive patients feel better about having dental work. The procedure involves administering a well-tested medication …

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost In Germantown, MD?

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost In Germantown, MD?

TeamDental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps that cover prepared teeth suffering from damage or decay. These dental appliances can save your natural tooth while restoring its function and appearance. In Germantown, MD, dental crowns typically cost between …

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

TeamDental Implants

Do your missing teeth cause you embarrassment or self-consciousness? Ideally, wouldn’t it be nice if they allowed you to enjoy eating and smiling without worrying about their appearance? Are dental implants the solution to your …

What Happens If A Cavity Is Left Untreated?

What Happens If A Cavity Is Left Untreated?

TeamGeneral Dentistry

A cavity may seem like a minor dental problem, but untreated tooth decay can have severe consequences. If a cavity goes untreated, it may lead to pain, infection, or in extreme cases, tooth loss. Getting …

Top 3 Reasons to See Your Dentist Regularly

Top 3 Reasons to See Your Dentist Regularly


Regularly seeing your dentist can help to protect your oral and overall health. Dentists recommend cleanings and comprehensive exams at least every six months for patients aged one year and up. Seeing your dentist on …

Patient's Guide to The Dental Implant Procedure

Patient’s Guide to The Dental Implant Procedure

TeamDental Implants

Are you considering dental implants to replace missing teeth or improve your smile? Dental implants are a popular and effective solution, but before you commit to the procedure, there are a few things you need …

How Long Do Braces Take?

How Long Do Braces Take?


Braces are the most common type of orthodontic treatment. They shift the teeth into proper alignment for optimal dental and oral health. When the teeth are properly aligned they are easier to keep clean, reducing …

4 Myths About Dental Implants

4 Myths About Dental Implants

TeamDental Implants

Dental implants are increasingly popular today as replacements for missing or damaged teeth. They both look and feel like natural teeth, and they bond with the jawbone to produce a permanent restoration. When searching for …

How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Germantown, MD?

How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Germantown, MD?


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth and aligns bite patterns. It can correct most of the same orthodontic issues that braces can, but through a different method. Invisalign consists of clear plastic aligners …

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

TeamDental Crowns

A dental crown is a restoration option for a tooth that is damaged or severely decayed. It provides a natural appearance and function, all while protecting the root of the tooth that anchors it in …

Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You're Pregnant?

Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You’re Pregnant?

TeamOral Surgery, Pregnancy

Wisdom Teeth are more often extracted than not. The majority of people will need to have theirs removed because they didn’t or aren’t coming in properly. Wisdom teeth, otherwise known as the third molars, can …

What to Expect After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What to Expect After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

TeamWisdom Tooth Extraction

More often than not, wisdom teeth cause problems for people. Rarely do they come in properly, making them a detriment to your dental health in a variety of ways. Wisdom teeth that crowd the other …

Invisalign Day

December 10th is Invisalign Day at Total Dental Care


Have you been thinking about Invisalign treatment? If so, you should be aware of this important opportunity. Total Dental Care has declared December 10th Invisalign Day at our office in Germantown, providing complimentary consultations, promotions, …

7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath for Good

7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath for Good

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable around others, making your social life less enjoyable overall. While bad breath can be an embarrassing thing to have, everyone has it …

The 4 Benefits of Dental Implants

The 4 Benefits of Dental Implants

TeamDental Implants

Dental implants are the highest quality tooth replacement option available, the gold standard of artificial teeth. When a tooth is missing or needs to be extracted and replaced, a dental implant provides a solution. If …

Wisdom Teeth Dry Socket Symptoms

Wisdom Teeth Dry Socket Symptoms

TeamOral Surgery

Your wisdom teeth are the last molars to fully develop and erupt in your mouth—typically during your early twenties. But these teeth can cause problems, such as becoming impacted or infected, so many people have …

4 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

4 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces


Invisalign is an extremely effective and comfortable orthodontic treatment. Designed to align your teeth, just like traditional metal braces Invisalign is more comfortable and easier to wear, because instead of metal wires pulling your teeth …

What You Should Know About Choosing a Mouthwash

What You Should Know About Choosing a Mouthwash

TeamGeneral Dentistry, Oral Health

Choosing the correct type of mouthwash can be essential to oral health. While everyone knows you should brush and floss at least twice daily, not everyone realizes that choosing a proper mouthwash can enhance oral …

Are You Properly Brushing Your Teeth?

Are You Properly Brushing Your Teeth?

TeamOral Health

Brushing your teeth is one of the most fundamental things you can do for protecting your oral health. Yet the only lesson most people get about teeth brushing comes when they are kids – and …

3 Benefits of Using a Denture Brush

3 Benefits of Using a Denture Brush


Don’t settle for just a toothbrush if you have dentures. Proper care and cleaning are of the utmost importance in ensuring that you not only maintain good oral health, but also in extending the life …

Are Dental Implants Covered By Dental Insurance?

Are Dental Implants Covered By Dental Insurance?

TeamDental Implants

Dental implants are considered to be the highest quality tooth replacement option available in dentistry. A dental implant can replace a single tooth, or act as an anchor for a bridge or dentures. It consists …

5 Tips for a More Photogenic Smile

TeamCosmetic Dentistry

Studies show that at least half of Americans feel insecure about their smile. In fact, up to 57% of people intentionally cover their mouths when they laugh, because they don’t like the way their teeth …

Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth: Does It Make a Difference?

TeamGeneral Dentistry, Oral Health

Can toothpaste for sensitive teeth really help to relieve those sudden jolts of pain that you may experience throughout your day? Yes – and that’s not all. It can also build an extra layer of …

Top 10 Causes of Bad Breath & Prevention Tips

TeamOral Health

Everyone is vulnerable to having bad breath from time to time. For example, “morning breath,” affects everyone. However, there are certain foods, substances, and underlying conditions that can lead to chronic bad breath. Read on …

dentist talking to patient in chair

Dental Phobia: What You Need to Know

TeamGeneral Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry

Many people fear going to the dentist for one reason or another. For some, this fear is mild and breeds only a small amount of anxiety. For others, it can be severe, leading to risky …

father and son flossing their teeth together

How to Brush Teeth With Braces

TeamOral Health, Orthodontics

When you first get braces, the idea of brushing your teeth while wearing them can seem a bit impossible. How can you maneuver around the brackets? How can you make sure you didn’t get anything …

man flossing his teeth

A Complete Guide to Flossing Teeth

TeamOral Health

Did you know that flossing is equally as important as brushing when it comes to maintaining your oral health? Even with perfect brushing habits, it’s impossible to thoroughly clean the spaces between your teeth where …

female patient in dental chair holding Invisalign appliance

Do You Need an Orthodontist for Invisalign?


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option, but you don’t need to see an orthodontist to get it. This might seem confusing on its face, but there’s a good reason for this—Invisalign is quite different from …

dentist showing patient model of dental implant

Dental Implant Procedure: A Step by Step Guide

TeamDental Implants

Dental Implant Procedure: A Step by Step Guide The decision to get dental implants is one that requires careful consideration. Not only are dental implants a financial investment, they also require an investment in time. …

man in blue suit leaning against wall, smiling

Pros and Cons of Flexible Dentures

TeamFlexible Dentures

When you have missing teeth, there are a few different options for replacing them. You’re probably already familiar with traditional dentures, dental implants, and bridges, but have you heard of flexible dentures? This solution is …

woman in pain holding left side of jaw

Signs of Wisdom Tooth Infection

TeamWisdom Tooth Infection

It’s not a pleasant experience when your wisdom teeth come in, but in most cases, any discomfort is tolerable and temporary. When a wisdom tooth is infected, it’s a different story. Suddenly, the minor irritation …

man at bathroom sink using mouthwash

How Dry Mouth Affects Your Oral Health

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Dry mouth might seem like it’s just a minor inconvenience, but if you suffer from chronic dry mouth, it can have a significant impact on your teeth and gums. It’s not just about cracked lips …

smiling man with greying beard and glasses

Is Composite Bonding Right for You?

TeamComposite Bonding, Cosmetic Dentistry

Composite bonding is used to improve the appearance of teeth. The material used in composite bonding is the same material that is used in composite cavity fillings. It can be made to match the existing …

patient holding a model of a dental implant

An Overview of the Dental Implant Process

TeamDental Implants

Are you getting or considering getting a dental implant? Dental implants are currently the top tier technology for replacing teeth. If you have a tooth that is missing, severely decayed, or damaged beyond repair, a …

woman in white shirt standing next two glass wall

What to Expect From a Smile Makeover

TeamCosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crowns, Dental Implants, Smile Makeover, Teeth Whitening, Veneers

Is your smile in need of a makeover? If you’re not satisfied with your smile when you look in the mirror or at pictures of yourself, you’re not alone. Many people feel self-conscious about their …

man on couch, smiling, looking out window

Bone Grafting for Dental Implants: What You Should Know

TeamBone Grafting, Dental Implants

Are you in need of a bone graft procedure in preparation for a dental implant? This is common for many patients. A bone graft is an oral surgery procedure that is performed to strengthen and …

smiling woman with gold hoop earrings

4 Reasons to Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry

TeamCosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Invisalign, Smile Makeover, Teeth Whitening

Are you considering cosmetic dentistry? Whether you’re hoping for a whiter, straighter, or just all-around better looking smile, cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve it.  Cosmetic dentistry refers to any procedure that improves the appearance …

woman smiling, holding up dental implant model

Understanding the Different Types of Dental Crowns

TeamGeneral Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry

Do you have a tooth that needs a crown? A crown is used to restore a tooth that is severely decayed, cracked, or damaged in some way. As long as the root of the tooth …

teen boy in grey sweatshirt, smiling

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Germantown, MD?

TeamOral Surgery

Sometimes wisdom teeth erupt without any complications, but for many patients, wisdom teeth removal is necessary. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and compromise the health of adjacent teeth, while even fully erupted wisdom teeth …

woman in park wearing beige sweater, smiling

How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

TeamCosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option that can be used to correct a wide range of aesthetic imperfections. If you’re considering porcelain veneers to improve your smile, here’s what you should know. How …

woman holding Invisalign appliance in hand

What Exactly Is Invisalign, and How Does It Work?


If you need orthodontic treatment to correct bite issues or misaligned teeth, you may be considering Invisalign. You’ve seen the commercials, you’ve heard about it from friends—but what is Invisalign? Does it really do the …

dentist talking to patient at desk pointing at model of teeth

4 Signs of Gum Disease

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Good oral health goes beyond the condition of your teeth. Your gums are just as important. Gum disease can lead to serious complications not only in the mouth, but also in other parts of the …

older woman outside, smiling

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Germantown, MD?

TeamDental Implants

Are you considering getting one or more dental implants? If you have a missing tooth or one that cannot be saved and must be extracted, an implant is the best option for replacing it. Dental …

woman covering her mouth with surprised look

4 Tips for How to Prevent Bad Breath

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Are you worried that you may have bad breath? Many people with bad breath are not aware of it, until a well-meaning friend or family member points it out. Occasional bad breath can be caused …

before and after of man smiling after teeth whitening

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in Germantown, MD?

TeamTeeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic dental treatments because it provides dramatic results in a short amount of time. Most people have tooth stains or discoloration at some point in their …